"What is my position right now?"

"Da abdi mah saha atuh?"

Emotional Landscapes
Empathy Supper I
18. 3. 2023, Kreuzberg, Berlin-Germany
To initiate this research endeavor, the group orchestrated an inaugural event, designated as Empathy Supper 1, in March 2023, held in Berlin. The event comprised a diverse assembly of 12 individuals, who were drawn to participate through an open call. Against the backdrop of an Indonesian hot-pot dinner, the participants were afforded the opportunity to engage in multifaceted explorations. These explorations were centered around the intricacies of dissonances arising from privileges within varied collaboration contexts. The event encompassed a range of activities, including group discussions, collaborative cooking endeavours, musical exercises, compositional endeavours, and creative writing. This multifarious approach aimed to foster a holistic understanding of the multifaceted nature of dissonances associated with privileges in collaborative settings.
18/3/'23 — 6pm—23pm
Expressing and explaining your privileges is so complicated. I was running out of words. I nearly couldn’t do it.
Nganyatakeun sareng ngajelaskeun “hak istimewa” maneh rudet pisan. Urang béak akal. Sigana teu mungkin.
Participant 2
A Berlin-based curator and cultural organizer brought forth their collaborative experiences, emphasizing the dissonances that emerge from diverse racial backgrounds. Their narrative pivoted around the challenges of cultivating trust and equity within collaborative projects. The participant's introspection on instances where race and gender intersected showcased the nuanced negotiations that underpin authentic collaboration. The narrative highlighted the importance of fostering an environment of open dialogue and understanding.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 5
An individual based in Berlin, holding Southeast-Asian roots, shared insights into their capacity to hold a German passport and the ensuing implications for mobility. A work-related scenario served as an illustrative example, highlighting the intricate interplay between passing privilege and identity within specific contexts. The experience prompted introspection on navigating privilege and traversing various social spheres while staying true to one's identity.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Sometimes I wonder:
is it even possible for us humans to live without power structures?
Terkadang saya bertanya-tanya:
apakah mungkin bagi kita manusia untuk hidup tanpa struktur kekuasaan?
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 7
A Chilean visual artist and heritage restorer in Berlin delved into the complexities of their identity as a European outsider. The discussion explored the privilege that can emerge within migration contexts and the multifaceted experiences that result. By examining the nuances of integration and multiculturalism policies, the narrative spotlighted the intricate relationship between origin, privilege, and identity.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
I once created monsters from my dreams. They were white. Someone came to me and said: Be aware, this could be racist. But was that my fault?
Saya pernah menciptakan monster dalam mimpi saya. Monster itu berwarna putih. Seseorang mendatangi saya dan berkata: Waspadalah ini bisa jadi rasis. Tapi apakah itu salahku?
Participant 1
Hailing from Israel and pursuing a PhD, one participant recounted their migration-focused research experiences in Thailand. Their identities as an Ashkenazi, Israeli, woman, and researcher converged, significantly influencing their interactions with research subjects. A profound moment arose during a conversation with Moon, a key informant. Moon's insightful inquiry about the echoes of colonialism within academic pursuits highlighted the intricate power dynamics at play. This encounter underscored the significance of self-awareness and sensitivity while navigating the research landscape.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 3
A first-generation Chinese American artist shared a journey encompassing the USA and Hong Kong, recounting encounters with racism in both contexts. Transitioning into corporate America unearthed additional layers of classism and sexism. The story illuminated the far-reaching impacts of one's origin and identity on personal trajectories and the dynamics of collaborative initiatives. This narrative served as a testament to the intricate threads that weave through personal experiences and artistic collaborations.
The dissonance is only there when someone’s pointing fingers.
Disonansi ngan aya nalika aya anu nunjuk ramo.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 4
A Filipino writer and curator cast light on the challenges posed by passport and visa restrictions, leading to disparities in opportunities and financial stability. The narrative underscored the intricate connection between origin, privilege, and accessibility within the creative sphere. Through personal experiences, the participant demonstrated how these factors interplay to shape the trajectory of one's artistic journey.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 6
A Pakistani non-binary graphic design student provided an introspective account of their multinational upbringing and encounters with social capital disparities among peers. Their perspective unveiled the complex dynamics inherent in interactions among students with diverse origins. The narrative offered a glimpse into the varied lenses through which individuals perceive the collaborative landscape.
What is my position right now?
Da abdi mah saha atuh?
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March, Berlin
Participant 8
A US-American artist shared a narrative encompassing a traumatic upbringing, the realm of art, and engagement with conversations surrounding oppression and privilege. The exploration of these themes prompted an engagement in empathy practices and discussions, highlighting the intersection of trauma, privilege, and creative expression. The narrative underscored the transformative power of dialogue and introspection.
The problem is that we are tired. Tired of explaining ourselves and our feelings to people who don’t listen. Who never learned how to listen.
Masalahnya adalah kita lelah. Lelah menjelaskan diri kita dan perasaan kita kepada orang yang tidak mendengarkan. Siapa yang tidak pernah belajar bagaimana mendengarkan.
Using the medium of sound, a sonic narrative was crafted to convey emotions, experiences, and the intricate layers of individual origins and privileges. This auditory approach offered a distinct way to explore these complex themes beyond language.
Using the medium of sound, a sonic narrative was crafted to convey emotions, experiences, and the intricate layers of individual origins and privileges. This auditory approach offered a distinct way to explore these complex themes beyond language.
Using the medium of sound, a sonic narrative was crafted to convey emotions, experiences, and the intricate layers of individual origins and privileges. This auditory approach offered a distinct way to explore these complex themes beyond language.
Using the medium of sound, a sonic narrative was crafted to convey emotions, experiences, and the intricate layers of individual origins and privileges. This auditory approach offered a distinct way to explore these complex themes beyond language.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March 2023, Berlin—Sonic Narrative
Sonic Narrative
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March 2023, Berlin—Sonic Narrative
Through the medium of sound, a sonic narrative was woven, allowing participants to communicate emotions, experiences, and complexities beyond the confines of language. This auditory storytelling provided a unique avenue to explore the nuanced intersections of individual origins and privileges, amplifying personal perspectives in an evocative manner.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March 2023, Berlin—Sonic Narrative
By interweaving "The Sonic Narrative," "Artistic Impressions," and "Inviting Engagement," the spontaneous experimental music creation emerged as a powerful tool to unearth and articulate the intricate dynamics of individual origins and privileges within collaborative artistic pursuits.
During the dinner evening, a distinctive and spontaneous method was employed to collect data aligned with the research theme – the creation of experimental music. This approach holds multifaceted benefits, deeply rooted in "The Sonic Narrative," "Artistic Impressions," and "Inviting Engagement."
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March 2023, Berlin—Sonic Narrative
Artistic Impressions
Furthermore, the process of creating experimental music enabled participants to convey their artistic impressions of identity and privilege, bridging the gap between lived experiences and creative expression. The resulting music served as an artistic imprint, capturing the essence of each participant's narrative and reflecting the multifaceted dimensions of origin and privilege.
Sadissonanz, Empathy Supper 1, March 2023, Berlin—Sonic Narrative
Inviting Engagement
This auditory creation also played a pivotal role in inviting engagement – a dynamic approach that beckoned participants to immerse themselves in the artistic process. The act of collaboratively crafting experimental music fostered a sense of collective ownership and mutual exploration, amplifying the impact of the research theme.